Pier (Pierre) Albrecht – Founder de Marbella Clinic victim of a false complaint:


Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht victim of Calomny on internet 


Since Mohamed Rabhi-Michel Robin’s complaint in 2007, against Dr Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht, for a Medicine Illegal practice offence, a serie of press articles have been published.

 The journalists who wrote and the journals which published those articles about Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht, have not verified the informations with Pierjean (pier) Albrecht himself.



An anonimous author has just published in an offensive webpage, some documents only available to the parties involved in the court case. Those documents show how one can BUILD a case against somebody with false documents, hidding  the real information. We will present hereby a loyal investigation that shows that Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht is the victim of a set-up.


A) Police investigation published by the offensive website:


Police investigation:


The final report of the Spanish National Police Internal Affairs Unit, as part of the pending investigation handled by the “Juzgado de Instruccion numero 5″ of Marbella, reaches the following conclusions (translated to english for your convenience):



1.-Answer to  information nº1:

Loyal Investigation:

-No such thing has been established:The final police report above mentioned is dated:January the 10th 2010. Since then, The jugde has published on september the 15th 2010 an important decision that you will find bellow in point nº2.

– this ofensive webpage also publishes a letter sent by the Judge to the french authorities on April the 26th 2008 saying ” M. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht  has been practicing Plastic Surgery in Marbella for a few years, thanks to a Doctorate he has obtained by the Salamanca University (Certificate Professor Dr. Javier Garcia, Salamanca University )”

– this doctorate is based on long specialised studies, confirmed by original and official university certificates (see below), and a Plastic Aesthetic Surgery Thesis.

2.-1.-Answer to  information nº2:


Loyal Investigation:

In the police report, page nº11 3rd paragraphe, one can read ” no falsificate document or other related to, in original or copy, has been found in Pierjean Albrecht permises and clinic”

The final report above mentioned is dated:January the 10th 2010.

Since then, The jugde has published on september the 15th 2010. “The prosecutor has ordered Michel Robin’s declaration as prosecuted for being the AUTHOR of the false documents related to Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht ‘s titles. ….”



3.- 1.-Answer to  information nº3:


Loyal Investigation: See above mentioned point nº1 and nº2

Conclusion nº 1:

The Police final report is contradicted by the Judge’s own conclusions and decisions. The anonimous author who had access to that “secret” information, cannot ignore that. Publishing it is a calomny to try to influence the public and the justice  before the court case goes on.


B) Documents published by the offensive website.

1.- Letter by the Pierre and Marie Curie University:


Loyal Investigation:

– Pierjean (pier) Albrecht never claimed he had a title from that university.

– the police report showed the judge a different curriculum, based on his studies in Strasbourg and Montpellier Universities

– his has also given certificates of Plastic Surgery practices with an Associate Profesor  of the above mentioned University.


2.- Letter form the french GMC about Pier (Pierjan) Albrecht



Loyal investigation:

– the recipient of the letter as been erased. It is in fact OSCAR ALARIO, Michel Robin’S Lawyer.

– Pierjean (pier) Albrecht has never practiced in France as an independant practicioner, but always as a registrar and with a “mentor”. therefore, he has never had to be registered to the GMC

– that letter has been used to make believe to the spanish authorities that Pierjean (pier) Albrecht had never studied in France.

– it has also been sent anonimously to the german Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, with the following note.”This a scan of the original”…..


3.- Desicion of the Judge on november the 26th 2010,  Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht .



Loyal Investigation:

That decision has been made without posibility of contradicion.

– Michel Robin was not prosecuted yet.

– Pierjean (pier) Albrecht could not defend himself, for he had no access to his studies file taken by the police and kept away from the judge’s eyes. At the time being his studies file has not  yet been given back to Pierjean (pier) Albrecht .


That decision has been made with the only justification ” There are certificates that show that Pierjean Albrecht has never studied medicine (in France) as shown in his (spanish) title “

– many originals and official certificates have been given to the judge that show the contrary.


The police investigation has focused on false titles only, for which Michel Robin is now prosecuted, to justify that Pierjean (Pier) ALbrecht could not practice in spain..


4.- Press articles published by the offensive website:


Those articles have been inspired by the ones who wanted to create an articfiial public fear and push patients to claim against dr Albrecht.

They are all contradicted by the LOYAL INVESTIGACION above.

we have published more imformation and documents in the spanish and french versions that will soon be available in english





Prof. Dr.D.Fransisco Javier Garcia Criado, Professor of Surgery and Secretary, Department of Surgery at the University of Salamanca



FIRST: That Mr Pierjean Albrecht applied , for in 1998, its registration to the University of Salamanca for doctoral studies. That according to his case, considering the academic certificates issued, the medical studies conducted by Mr Albrecht Pierjean In the French Faculties of Medicine of Strasbourg and Montpellier 1, during the years 1981 to 1988, correspond to the academic level and are equivalent to the Bachelor of Medicine (as the medical practice title in Spain) of the Medical Schools of the Spanish University , as required, in its  addicional paragraphs , in the RD (Royal Decree) 778/1998 ..

SECOND: That Mr Pierjean Albrecht registered in the Ph.D. program, “Advanced Surgery”, developed by the Department of Surgery at the University of Salamanca during the years 1998-2000, said program coordinator being Prof.. Francisco Javier Garcia Criado, being the tutor Prof.Emiliano Galila Hernandez, and the Director of his thesis project being Prof.. Agustin Alvarez del Canizo. Once assessed the Curriculum Vitae of D. Pierjean Albrecht, in which are, inter alia, certificates related to his clinical training in various specialty surgical centers from 1986, his research activity reflected in communications to scientific meetings and publications in major prestige scientific journals  in 1995, and his complementary training by attending specialized courses between 1994 and 1998, we conclude that D. Pierjean Albrecht had reached undoubtedly a very high qualification in the field of Plastic Surgery and of research in his medical specialty.

THIRD: That during the two years indicated, Mr Albrecht Pierjean obtained the required 32 credits (320 hours) with 12 “very good”, 4 “good” and 1 “Approved”, showing at each moment a very high level of knowledge in theory and practice  as clinical as well as in research.

FOURTH: That dated 1st September 2000, Mr Pierjean Albrecht, obtained, from the University of Salamanca, the title “Ability for Research” for his specialised training in this area by the Department of Surgery, which qualifies him to submit his doctoral thesis.

FIFTH: That dated 22 June 2001, he appeared before the “Tribunal of Thesis Doctoral” for the Thesis entitled. “The Cutaneous Laser Surgery, in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery-Aesthetic. 244 cases”, which was conducted during a period of 3 years between 1998 and 2001, obtaining the highest qualification  ”Excellent” and “With Congratulations”

SIXTH: That dated 25 June 2001, D. Pierjean Albrecht is granted the title of Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Salamanca.

SEVENTH: That all documentations relating to the facts set are in the files of the Department of Surgery and Section of Graduate and Doctorate from the University of Salamanca.

Made for legal statement, and at the request of the interested, we sign in Salamanca, the ninth day of March 2009

Salamanca University Certificate, Page nº1

 Salamanca University Certificate Page nº 2

Plastic Aesthetic Surgery Thesis

Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic

victim of a false complaint:

Se publica a continuacion un articulo sobre la situacion judicial de Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht- Marbella Clinic:


 Un cirujano plástico no puede

ejercer por una denuncia falsa


El hombre, con once años de experiencia en España, asegura haber sido víctima de una trama de estafa




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EFE Un cirujano plástico (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) con once años de experiencia en España ha denunciado que no puede ejercer la Medicina desde hace más de un año debido a una denuncia falsa de una persona con antecedentes penales por intento de homicidio.

El médico, (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) natural de Francia y que regentaba una reconocida clínica de Marbella, ha operado desde políticos a actrices, músicos o miembros de la aristocracia y realeza europea.

Según la denuncia del facultativo, éste (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic)  ha sido víctima de una trama de estafa y blanqueo de capitales, ya que cuando se le ofreció trabajar en España en una clínica privada, cuyos fines serían benéficos y sociales, se puso en manos de M.R., natural de Argelia.

M.R., con antecedentes por intento de homicidio y tenencia ilícita de armas, está además siendo investigado por las autoridades tributarias después de que la Audiencia Provincial de Málaga remitiera la transcripción del juicio donde fue condenado.

En dicho juicio hubo varios testigos que afirmaron que el procesado les tenía convencidos de que éste se dedicaba a obras benéficas en el tercer mundo y que con el trabajo de todos ellos se contribuía a la causa.

Debido a ello, ninguno cobraba sueldo pese a su plena dedicación y no recibían otra contraprestación que tener satisfechas todas sus necesidades vitales por el acusado.

Las declaraciones de estas personas fueron determinantes para que la Sala determinara que se debía deducir testimonio del juicio y remitir la causa a las autoridades tributarias por si fueran constitutivas de un presunto delito de blanqueo.

En la denuncia se explica que M.R. le pidió los créditos y certificados de las Universidades de Estrasburgo y Montpellier, acreditativos de los estudios de Medicina y Cirugía para encargarse de las correspondientes homologaciones, ya que con el nivel académico que tenía era suficiente para tales adaptaciones.

Pasado un año, éste, siempre según la denuncia, le entregó el carné de colegiado en el Colegio de Médicos como especialista en cirugía plástica, reparadora y estética.

Dado los trabajos realizados de cirugía plástica en la Universidad de París “con el fin de consagrar todas las enseñanzas, estudios e investigaciones” se matriculó en el Doctorado de “Avances en Cirugía” impartido en la Universidad de Salamanca y obtuvo la máxima calificación.

En el relato del médico (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) se explica que “una vez colegiado y trabajando en la clínica” destinaba todos los beneficios de su actividad hipotéticamente a obras caritativas gestionadas supuestamente por M.R., cantidades que en un periodo de diez años, oscilaron de entre ocho y diez millones de euros.

Posteriormente, y como resultado de las denuncias de otras personas, tuvo conocimiento “del engaño a los que les tenía sometidos”, ya que el dinero que le entregaban supuestamente iba a paraísos fiscales y en beneficio propio.

El mencionado M.R. le amenazó presuntamente con que podía “arruinarle su vida profesional” si contaba lo sucedido, pero al desconocer las irregularidades que había cometido con sus convalidaciones no le hizo caso, hasta que lo denunció.

El abogado defensor del cirujano (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) ha explicado a Efe que aunque la homologación haya podido ser falsificada por M.R., el doctorado que tiene su cliente “lo habilita para el ejercicio sin tener que homologar su certificado académico”, por lo que se debería dejar a su cliente ejercer su profesión.

El médico (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) tiene un nivel académico de licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía avalado con numerosa documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca, a la que ha tenido acceso Efe, donde se destaca “su altura científica y quirúrgica”.


Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht has never been

sentenced for a MAL PRACTICE

or medical negligence.

Titulos de prensa:

- Primera condena contra Pierre Albrecht, el falso cirujano de la Jet Set Marbelli (El confidencial)

- Fuente Diario Sur. El falso médico que durante once años operó en Marbella como cirujano plástico acaba de recibir un nuevo varapalo judicial.

– esos titulos son claramente falsos y difamatorios, ya que en la sentencia en cuestion, publicada a continuacion se dice claramente por los peritos judiciales (pagina 9) que ” NO HUBO MALA PRAXIS” de la parte del Dr Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht” 

– ademas es la Marbella Clinic que ha sido condenada a la indemnizacion, el juez considerando  que las complicaciones POST OPERATORIAS, no provocadas por ninguna mala praxis o negligencia, podrian ser de la responsabilidad de la clinica…..el estado de la jurisprudencia actual del Tribunal Supremo, no permitiria mas este tipo de sentencia.

Dr. Pier Albrecht M.D. Ph. D., French, born in 1962, in Marbella since 1995, is a Adviser Surgeon, specialising in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, registered at the General Medical Council of Malaga (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de medicos de Malaga) under number 29/2907945. He also is an Expert Witness to the Court. He has been studying medicine and surgery, and working in Europe in the fields of Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, Laser and Anti-Aging Pharmaceutical Research.He was trained in France in the Medical Schools of the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, Montpellier, Paris V and VI, and in Spain in the Department of Surgery in the School of Medicine of Salamanca University.

He was a Adviser at The Laser Clinic , Harley Street – London, and other places in Europe.

He gave special attention to Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) in Guadalajara-Mexico with Professor Armando Gonzalez .

Albrecht obtained the Superior Medical studies for “Lasers and Plastic Surgery” from the Specialties Department of the School of Medicine RENE DESCARTES, of the Paris V University.

After he has been awarded a specialized studies title in “Advanced Surgery” by the “Department of Surgery” of the University of Salamanca, he published his six years research about “The Use of Lasers in Cutaneous Therapy and Plastic Aesthetic Surgery”.

He has been awarded the Ph.D. studies “Doctor in Medicine and Surgery” – Cum Laude – by the same University, that allowes him to teach and to carry out research programs.Publications :

He has published articles about Plastic Surgery and about the relationship between anti-aging, antioxidants and the immune system, in French and international publications.Communications: Comparative use of Lasers in Cutaneous Therapy and Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, These. Doc. Univ., Salamanca. 2001.

  • Alloplastic Malar Implants for Aesthtetic Purposes in zone 1. The transconjunctival route. (in press)
  • Gliadin Films. I : Preparation in vitro evaluation as a carrier for controlled drug release. Internationnal Journal of Pharmaceutics. 117 – 121 .1995. Elsevier
  • Mise en évidence des propriétés antioxydantes d’un L. M.F. dans des dermocosmétiques . Journ.de Pharm.Clinique. 1995
  • “Aesthetic and Reconstructive SUrgery of the eyes and of the look” Plastic Surgery Symposium. Birkenwerder- Berlin. 2004
  • COngress of the French Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: Closed Blepharoplasty, the U suture before incision. 2002
  • Chirurgie Plastique-Esthétique Faciale et Laser. Ecole de Chirugie de Guadalajara. 2001
  • Alloplastic Malar Implants for Aesthtetic purposes in zone 1. The transconjunctival route. IMCAS. Paris 2002
  • Congress of the Rio de Janeiro Society for Aesthetic Medicine, and in more than 200 workshops, conferences and congresses about health, anti-aging, Lasers and Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery in Europe, USA, Canada and the Middle East:
  • Utilisation des immuncomplexes dans le vieillissement de la peau. Congrès de la Société de Chirurgie Esthétique de Rio De Janeiro, Brésil 1994
  • Intérêt du L.M.F en clinique. Salon de Dermatologie Pratique.Paris 1995


Albrecht was appointed Lecturer at the Medical School “Pierre et Marie Curie” of the University of Paris VI, for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Scalp with Associate Profesor Marc Divaris.He was an Inv. Profesor for the E.N.T. Specialists Academic Program in the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara in Mexico.


Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

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