Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht victim of Calomny on internet
Since Mohamed Rabhi-Michel Robin’s complaint in 2007, against Dr Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht, for a Medicine Illegal practice offence, a serie of press articles have been published.
 The journalists who wrote and the journals which published those articles about Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht, have not verified the informations with Pierjean (pier) Albrecht himself.
Using the title: “The incredible story of fake doctor Pierjean Franck Albrechtâ€, an anonimous author has just published in an offensive webpage  : ww.falso….com, documents only available to the parties involved in the court case. Those documents show how one can BUILD a case against somebody, hidding  important information. We will present hereby a loyal investigation that shows that Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht is the victim of a set-up.
A) Police investigation published by the offensive website:
Police investigation:
The final report of the Spanish National Police Internal Affairs Unit, as part of the pending investigation handled by the “Juzgado de Instruccion numero 5″ of Marbella, reaches the following conclusions (translated to english for your convenience):
 1.-â€â€¦it has been established that Pierjean Frank ALBRECHT lacks the Medical and Plastic and Reparatory surgery title required for the practice of medicine and surgery in Spain.â€
Loyal Investigation:
-No such thing has been established:The final police report above mentioned is dated:January the 10th 2010. Since then, The jugde has published on september the 15th 2010 an important decision that you will find bellow in point nº2.
– this ofensive webpage also publishes a letter sent by the Judge to the french authorities on April the 26th 2008 saying †M. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht  has been practicing Plastic Surgery in Marbella for a few years, thanks to a Doctorate he has obtained by the Salamanca University (Certificate Professor Dr. Javier Garcia, Salamanca University )â€
– this doctorate is based on long specialised studies, confirmed by original and official university certificates (see below), and a Plastic Aesthetic Surgery Thesis.
2.-â€The diplomas presented to the Ministry of Education and Science… are FAKE, belonging in reality [to a real Doctor]“
“…it has been possible to determine the forgery of credentials… under the name of Pierjean Franck ALBRECHT, making use before police and Judicial instances of sworntranslations… previouslymodified…â€
Loyal Investigation:
In the police report, page nº11 3rd paragraphe, one can read †no falsificate document or other related to, in original or copy, has been found in Pierjean Albrecht permises and clinicâ€
The final report above mentioned is dated:January the 10th 2010.
Since then, The jugde has published on september the 15th 2010. “The prosecutor has ordered Michel Robin’s declaration as prosecuted for being the AUTHOR of the false documents related to Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht ‘s titles. ….â€
3.-â€â€¦it is evident that Pierjean Franck ALBRECHT has been practicing Medicine and Surgery in Spaincontinuously since at least 1998, without possessing the corresponding academic title…â€
“…Pierjean Franck ALBRECH… has prescribed… drugs and psychotropic substances,
Loyal Investigation:
See above mentioned point nº1 and nº2
Conclusion nº 1:
The Police final report is contradicted by the Judge’s own conclusions and decisions. The anonimous author who had access to that “secret†information, cannot ignore that. Publishing it is a calomny to try to influence the public and the justice  before the court case goes on.
B) Documents published by the offensive website.
1.- Letter by the Pierre and Marie Curie University:
– acknowledges that Pierjean Albrecht never studied or had a title theres.
Loyal Investigation:
– Pierjean (pier) Albrecht never claimed he had a title from that university.
– the police report showed the judge a different curriculum, based on his studies in Strasbourg and Montpellier Universities
– his has also given certificates of Plastic Surgery practices with an Associate Profesor  of the above mentioned University.
2.- Letter form the french GMC
. acknwoledging that Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht has never been a member and cannot practice in France.
Loyal investigation:
– the recipient of the letter as been erased. It is in fact OSCAR ALARIO, Michel Robin’S Lawyer.
– Pierjean (pier) Albrecht has never practiced in France as an independant practicioner, but always as a registrar and with a “mentorâ€. therefore, he has never had to be registered to the GMC
– that letter has been used to make believe to the spanish authorities that Pierjean (pier) Albrecht had never studied in France.
– it has also been sent anonimously to the german Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, with the following note.â€This a scan of the originalâ€â€¦..
3.- Desicion of the Judge on november the 26th 2010, to suspend Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht practice.
Loyal Investigation:
That decision has been made without posibility of contradicion.
– Michel Robin was not prosecuted yet.
– Pierjean (pier) Albrecht could not defend himself, for he had no access to his studies file taken by the police and kept away from the judge’s eyes. At the time being his studies file has not  yet been given back to Pierjean (pier) Albrecht .
That decision has been made with the only justification †There are certificates that show that Pierjean Albrecht has never studied medicine (in France) as shown in his (spanish) title “
– many originals and official certificates have been given to the judge that show the contrary.
The police investigation has focused on false titles only, for which Michel Robin is now prosecuted, to justify that Pierjean (Pier) ALbrecht could not practice in spain..
4.- Press articles published by the offensive website:
Those articles have been inspired by the ones who wanted to create an articfiial public fear and push patients to claim against dr Albrecht.
They are all contradicted by the LOYAL INVESTIGACION above.
we have published more imformation and documents in the spanish and french versions that will soon be available in english
 Prof. Dr.D.Fransisco Javier Garcia Criado, Professor of Surgery and Secretary, Department of Surgery at the University of Salamanca
FIRST: That Mr Pierjean Albrecht applied , for in 1998, its registration to the University of Salamanca for doctoral studies. That according to his case, considering the academic certificates issued, the medical studies conducted by Mr Albrecht Pierjean In the French Faculties of Medicine of Strasbourg and Montpellier 1, during the years 1981 to 1988, correspond to the academic level and are equivalent to the Bachelor of Medicine (as the medical practice title in Spain) of the Medical Schools of the Spanish University , as required, in its  addicional paragraphs , in the RD (Royal Decree) 778/1998 ..
SECOND: That Mr Pierjean Albrecht registered in the Ph.D. program, “Advanced Surgeryâ€, developed by the Department of Surgery at the University of Salamanca during the years 1998-2000, said program coordinator being Prof.. Francisco Javier Garcia Criado, being the tutor Prof.Emiliano Galila Hernandez, and the Director of his thesis project being Prof.. Agustin Alvarez del Canizo. Once assessed the Curriculum Vitae of D. Pierjean Albrecht, in which are, inter alia, certificates related to his clinical training in various specialty surgical centers from 1986, his research activity reflected in communications to scientific meetings and publications in major prestige scientific journals  in 1995, and his complementary training by attending specialized courses between 1994 and 1998, we conclude that D. Pierjean Albrecht had reached undoubtedly a very high qualification in the field of Plastic Surgery and of research in his medical specialty.
THIRD: That during the two years indicated, Mr Albrecht Pierjean obtained the required 32 credits (320 hours) with 12 “very goodâ€, 4 “good†and 1 “Approvedâ€, showing at each moment a very high level of knowledge in theory and practice  as clinical as well as in research.
FOURTH: That dated 1st September 2000, Mr Pierjean Albrecht, obtained, from the University of Salamanca, the title “Ability for Research†for his specialised training in this area by the Department of Surgery, which qualifies him to submit his doctoral thesis.
FIFTH: That dated 22 June 2001, he appeared before the “Tribunal of Thesis Doctoral†for the Thesis entitled. “The Cutaneous Laser Surgery, in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery-Aesthetic. 244 casesâ€, which was conducted during a period of 3 years between 1998 and 2001, obtaining the highest qualification  â€Excellent†and “With Congratulationsâ€
SIXTH: That dated 25 June 2001, D. Pierjean Albrecht is granted the title of Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Salamanca.
SEVENTH: That all documentations relating to the facts set are in the files of the Department of Surgery and Section of Graduate and Doctorate from the University of Salamanca.
Made for legal statement, and at the request of the interested, we sign in Salamanca, the ninth day of March 2009
Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht, Pierre Albrecht, Marbella Clinic, Pier Albrecht
“ Every day we are unavoidably subjected to artificial electromagnetic fields that affect our body and generate insomnia, migraines and premature aging. These conditions can be prevented by something as simple as sleeping properly.
Exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields can bring about con ditions ranging from migraines and insomnia to degenerative diseases.
08:00 in the morning
The alarm clock goes off, we stretch, switch on the light and go off in the direction of the kitchen. We put on the coffee-pot, heat the milk in the microwave and while the bread is toasting we have a shower with water heated by the electric water heater and then dry our hair with the hair-dryer. This is how nearly everyone begins their day. So far, in only half or three quarters of an hour, and before even leaving the house, we have been exposed to at least seven artificial electromagnetic fields which, even though weak, alter our body and generate stress that brings about reduced efficiency in the immune system which, in the long run can cause serious chronic or degenerative diseases such as cancer, leukaemia, Alzheimer, cataracts or diabetes as they increase our oxidative stress.
Nowadays it is practically unavoidable to use a mobile phone, spend several hours in front of a computer, listen to the radio or watch TV. Progress has brought us all these technological miracles, and there are still more to come, but it has also altered our environment and our relationship with nature.
Invisi ble presence : in our bedrom
It is not my intention to alarm anybody with these words. I only want to call your attention to the invisible reality of the electromagnetic fields that affect our lives and also our sleep. Yes, they also affect the way we sleep, although sometimes we are not aware of the conditions in which we perform one of the most important tasks for our body: rest. Every night we go to sleep surrounded by electronic equipment, but even more than that, our beds do not favour repose. They even bring about a reduction in Serotonin blood levels, this being the neurotransmitter that, after being transformed to Melatonin, functions as a natural sleep inducer. Knowing this, it is hardly surprising that we suffer from stress, insomnia, migraines, fatigue, depressions, irritability or nerves, all disorders that sometimes, as they become more frequent, are then considered to be inevitable.
The solution : as simple as sleeping well .
However, there is a way to correct the daily effects of the electromagnetic fields in our body. Doctor DarÃo Acuña, from the University of Granada, and Doctor Germaine Escames have written a paper specifically dealing with this subject, titled “Oxidative stress under conditions of controlled restâ€, with which they demonstrate that sleeping in a Biovital bed reduces a third of the oxidative stress level, which is what increases the probabilities of developing degenerative diseases. So much so that this research has been awarded the first prize for the best research in 2005 in the field of scientific research, and the best anti-aging and longevity product in the XX I National Congress of the Spanish Association for Medicine and Aesthetics. (SEME)
This paper, which has been declared to be of health interest, maintains that by sleeping in a bed made of natural products it is possible to alleviate the effects produced by electromagnetic fields in our body because, to begin with, they eliminate the metal from the springs in the mattress and the base, which act as a transmitter.
Falling asleep in harmony with nature They also use a mattress made of latex with a sheet of coconut fibre that absorbs the moisture from our body and prevents us from sleeping in a damp atmosphere, which is what happens when we use synthetic fibres that are unable to “dry†our perspiration, thus generating rheumatism and arthritis. Snoring can also be caused by the lack of oxygenation generated by the absence of perspiration, and for this reason a mattress cover of merino wool is provided, incorporating a layer of charcoal and an earth connection which is also found in the duvet.
All of this, according to the report, increases the production of Melatonin by eliminating the problem of the electromagnetic charges and therefore reduces the oxidative stress that brings about degenerative diseases. Furthermore, and at the same time, it provides a solution to problems of posture, pressure, oxygenation and moisture regulation while we are asleep. Which means that sleeping is converted into a real therapy. Sweet, and healthy, dreams.
Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,
PierJean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre  Albrecht, Cirujano Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht,
Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic