Pier (Pierre) Albrecht: The abdominal muscles

Masculine aesthetic attributes

Visible abdominal muscles are one of the aethetic attributes usually associated with

men. How beautiful to see the body of an athlete or a male model with a “six pack”

or a “chocolate bar”. But more than beautiful, in the mind of a woman this is related to

the willpower that a man needs to not let the fat accumulate around his tummy. The

will to look after himself, both through physical exercise and through diet.

It’s a shame that in recent years, women also want to develop their abdominal muscles.

More and more women come to my surgery with the idea of eliminating their

abdominal fat, even if there is very little, so that the muscles can be seen. They even

ask for a liposcultpure. It is difficult to convince them that it is natural for a woman’s

body to have more fat than a man’s, and that the softer curves of a woman are related

to femininity and maternity, and to tenderness.

I think that this strong desire of those women is taken from the example set by their

instructor at the gym where they are sculpting their bodies. I have also received some

of the instructors in my surgery. They have fantastic bodies, to the point of perfection,

but I’m not sure that it is still the body of a woman. Their faces are all very much

affected by the lack of fat, which causes the skin to become very flaccid and lined.

Usually they like to be well tanned, which makes their appearance even worse

Health benefits for everybody

Whatever your eating habits, if you are overweight due to an excess food intake, you

cannot maintain the benefits of a diet if you do not reduce your stomach size. In reality,

the stomach has a tendency to relax over the years because people eat more and

take less exercise, especially in this area. It is essential to take up doing abdominal

muscles exercises again every day, as soon as you get up and on an empty stomach,

in order to gradually reduce the tendency of the stomach to expand. You can begin at

your own pace, even doing ten a day, without forcing or stressing yourself. By doing

this every day, you will progress, inevitably, and you could end up doing a thousand

a day by the end of a year, if you wish.

The exercises should be short and repetitive, moving the bent legs towards the body.

If you can, it is also advisable to make oblique movements, trying to touch the right

knee with the left elbow, and viceversa. With this simple exercise, the abdomen will

generally end up diminishing in size and this will enable you to eat less, giving you an

earlier sensation of being full, but also with the effect of stimulating the passage of

food through the intestine, which helps against constipation.


Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – “The LOOK”

Normally in social life, we greet someone by looking them in the eyes and shaking their hand. Those brief moments already give us an impression of the person standing before us. For this reason, the eyes and the look are so important. The look…is not only the eyes themselves, the colour of the iris, the uniformity of the white and the light in the iris (things that are always touched up by computer in the photos of celebrities and models on the cover pages), but the look has to include the eyebrows, the upper lids, the eyelashes, the lower lids, the bags and shadows under the eyes, the crows feet.

When we meet someone, we always look first at his or her eyes. Our attention then passes to the mouth. These two parts of the face allow us subcon sciously to obtain information will help us to guess the approximate age of that person, and perhaps also some traces of his or her character.

If the mouth and lips are frequently the first question for a woman, the eyes are usually the object of consultation for a man. For some it is the aesthetic aspect, for others, it is a question of practicality or aesthetics, but the motive is really the increasing demand for this type of surgery.

We should try to look at it from a different viewpoint, particularly regarding the correction or increased volume of a woman’s lips. The first thing we should remember is that when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we have a tendency to focus our attention on details, slight imperfections. But other people don’t look at us in the same way, they don’t observe us in so much detail.

When we meet someone, we always look first at his or her eyes. Aesthetic surgery can be of great help to give a fresh and seductive touch. (see pictures before and after)



In our day to day life, most people we meet will greet us by looking us in the eye, to establish whether our look is deep or empty, warm or cold, straight and honest or, on the contrary, evasive, etc….Throughout the ages, the eyes have been considered to be the mirror of the soul. The brain immediately registers the forms and movements of the face, which give us an idea of the vitality and emotional state of that person.

Only the professionals, (and this can include best friends!!!), make a critical analysis of tones, texture, the skin condition, etc, in order to determine more precisely the age and the requirements for face care. Eye contact is therefore by far the most important, followed by the lips. In most cases, the need is to correct, rejuvenate and “sweeten” the look.

Patients generally understand this concept, but they immediately state that they do not wish specifically to change the expression of their look. The role of the professional is then to focus the attention on the fact that our look is not the same at all stages of our life and that maturity is sometimes synonymous with sadness, associated with a drooping of the eyelids and the outer corner of the eye.

The youngest patient on whom I have performed an eye operation was 27, and oldest was 79. Both were motivated for different reasons, but their circumstances were identical. They both had drooping eyelids which gave them a weary look and feeling, the younger patient because of her natural anatomy and the older one due to her age. The younger one, naturally, wanted not only to look younger but also to appear fresher and above all, sexier. The older patient only wanted to continue working without the feeling of tiredness.

Well, now I have used the word “sexy”. It could also be “seductive”. It’s true that drooping eyes, whether the eyelids or the outside corner (called the external canthus) do not look very sexy, but tired and even sad. Eyes that are larger and somewhat drawn out (feline) look more attractive. Throughout the centuries, women have painted their eyes to make them look larger and wider. This reminds us of Cleopatra, but apparently the men of Ancient Egypt also used to paint their eyes.



The truth is that there is an almost magical attraction with large eyes. They are the symbol of an open vision towards others and to the world. Wide eyes are also associated with the natural shape of the eyes when we smile. They send out a message of sweetness, like a smile. In fact, there are people who are cruel and cold but who naturally have this kind of eyes, and they seem to always give a sweet smile, even when they are very angry.

It is very important to point out that the eye is closely joined to the upper and underlying structure. In fact, upper lids that are heavy and wrinkled are possibly, in the majority of cases, the result of sagging forehead skin. Lax lower eyelids, with circular rings, are often due to a loosening of the facial skin. In this way it is understood that the eyes can normally be operated on, independently from the rest of the face, whilst they should really be analysed as an integral part of a harmonious whole. This way it is preferable to create younger eyes, raising the “outer corner”, eliminating the excess skin, with a little of the muscle in the case of the upper lid, but trying to tuck in the skin without tensing the muscle too much at the level of the lower lid.

A final detail, it is possible to give a touch of embellishment to the eyes, creating or recreating at the external part of the upper lid, what Steven Hoefflin, the famous surgeon to the stars in Hollywood, calls a “beauty egg”. The study of thousands of faces has, in fact, demonstrated that the beauty of the features is almost a mathematical equation. It depends on the face having certain areas of fullness, seven for women, that are common to all of the most beautiful faces in the world. If these small areas of fullness do not exist, they can be created by fat injections, synthetic injectable products or implants.

This type of surgery is very satisfying to the surgeon and also to the patient, because the rejuvenating and embellishing effect is immediate in the majority of cases.


Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Pier (Pierre) Albrecht: Sleeping, the forgotten science: How a simple bed can change everything.

How a simple bed can change everything.

For the majority of people, sleep is a time of absence and rest, a world of darkness. We do not pay too much attention to the time spent sleeping. We often think of it as a period of our life that is placed “in inverted commas”, regardless of whether we like sleeping, whether we find it boring, or whether we suffer from insomnia.

However you look at it, it is a time when our ordinary daily consciousness is inactive. Our social persona is switched off, the mask is put away, and we let ourselves be transported to wherever our subconscious (or as other people would say, our spirit) fancies to take us.

It would therefore be an error to think that this time does not belong to our life… quite the contrary, it should be considered as forming part of it. We spend a third of our life asleep, a time in which we should be recharging our physical and mental energy and, even more importantly, allowing our body to cleanse itself and relax.

Ideal sleep is when our body does not have too much food to be digested in the intestine; when we do not have bad dreams that affect us and make us wake up feeling more tired than before we went to bed.

If, however, we let our organs rest, without making them work too hard during the night – without supplying too much energy to the brain in the form of sugars and calcium, originating from an excess of desserts and dairy products – we will discover a way of sleeping that is deeper and more revitalizing.

We should cast off part of our mental and emotional stress and go to bed with a feeling of curiosity and confidence, trying to undertake a new journey every night and thinking “I wonder where my subconscious (spirit) is going to take me tonight”

The quality of our sleep depends largely on ourselves, our diet and our lifestyle. This is quite easy to demonstrate just by looking at ourself in the mirror the next morning. We really should look more relaxed and younger than the night before. But if we look older, more wrinkled or with bags or shadows under the eyes, it means we have not taken full advantage of the night, and this is what happens in 98% of the cases

The effects of electromagnetic fields.

Well, there’s more to it… Since the 50’s, certain doctors and scientists have thought that electromagnetic fields have a great influence on our life and health, especially during sleep – which is when we are most vulnerable – and they have detected a considerable reduction in melatonin when we are exposed to electromagnetic fields.

We now know that melatonin has an important function in the prevention of cancer or neurodegenerative diseases associated with the aging of the cells.

The effects of electromagnetic fields. Well, there’s more to it… Since the 50’s, certain doctors and scientists have thought that electromagnetic fields have a great influence on our life and health, especially during sleep – which is when we are most vulnerable – and they have detected a considerable reduction in melatonin when we are exposed to electromagnetic fields.

On the basis of these scientific advances, a team of doctors had the idea of studying the sleep of a group of volunteers under normal conditions, and at the same time in conditions of minimum electromagnetic influence. They used special beds that make it possible to eliminate the electromagnetic contamination in a room.

Sleep, an anti-aging therapy.

It has been demonstrated that sleep is a marvelous anti-aging therapy and that the reduction of electromagnetic fields is a highly important factor. But what does this really involve? For many years now it is known that our body is a battery and that every cell has an electrical charge. This battery therefore reacts and is affected by its surroundings and has a certain electromagnetic charge. Out in the countryside, our electromagnetic field is in harmony with the surroundings, but in the city, with its contamination and an environment of metals and synthetic materials, our electromagnetic field does not have the opportunity to discharge its excess energy and that energy is what prevents us from enjoying a deep, relaxing sleep. Electrical equipment in the bedroom, floors or bed bases that contain metal, mattresses with springs or synthetic fibres, or sheets and blankets of synthetic materials prevent us from having contact with the earth, which is our natural place of discharge.

The importance of a good bed.

To carry out the clinical experiment, very special beds were used, designed to help our bodies to discharge the electromagnetic energy, using a particular form of natural materials and an earth connection, manufactured by the firm of BIOVITAL in Granada. Dr. D. Acuña Castro Viejo from the free radical laboratory in the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada, informed of his results in the last Spanish Congress of Anti-aging Medicine and Longevity (SEMAL).

His discoveries had an explosive effect. His report demonstrated that the electromagnetic conditions of sleep can be improved simply by the bed. Mr. Dario Acuña himself says that he had observed a spectacular reduction in all the parameters monitored throughout the day and night for oxidative stress, which is the most reliable method of measuring anti-aging and the tendency to suffer from degenerative illnesses.

For further information about these beds, contact : BioVital – 902 430 952 – 958 890 305 – 667 525 409 www.biovitalgroup.com


Página Original


Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – The “Botox”

Muscle relaxation for the forehead, glabella (between the eyebrows) & crow’s feet.

Botox has become so popular that it is not necessary to insist on using this wonderful tool for correcting the signs of aging. Its name comes from “botulinum toxina” which in its normal concentration is a poison, but which has been used for the past 25 years in neurology at a dosage of up to 200 times less than its normal concentration.

Botulinum toxin brings about muscular paralysis, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the neuromuscular junctions inside a structure known as a synapse. This localised paralysis does not spread into the body, and the nervous system forms new nerve sprouts within a few months. This means the effects of botulinum toxin are temporary.

The main applications are the paralysis, or rather the relaxing, of certain facial muscles used when gesturing, such as the forehead muscle which causes the forehead to wrinkle when it contracts, the orbicular muscle, which produces crows feet, the corrugator and procerus muscles that cause wrinkles in the glabella, or the space between the eyebrows.


There are other applications, using the paralysis of the microfibres of the muscles to relax and improve the wrinkles on the upper and lower lips (commonly referred to as bar code lines), and also the platysma bands (cords that appear when the neck muscles contract and that remain as age progresses).

It is important to know that botulinum toxin has its successes, its failures and its limitations. It should be used for a limited period of time and after a certain age should no longer be used, passing to surgery to correct the loss of elasticity in the skin.

While it is true that it relaxes the muscles of gestural expression of the upper part of the face, it is also true that the face is left looking smoother, but without being able to move. Furthermore, depending on which injection technique is employed, you can raise the tail of the eyebrows, but the lift cannot be controlled 100% and it could end up giving what we call the “Mefisto look”, where the eyebrows take the shape of an inverted V giving an “evil” appearance.

Also, if the botulinum toxin is injected too close to the eyes, it can completely prevent the eyebrows being raised, giving the sensation of heavy and drooping eyes. The reason for this sensation is that during the course of our life, the upper eyelid has more skin and is heavier. Consequently, you open your eyes raise your eyebrows, which causes wrinkles on the forehead and makes the eyes look rounder.

Another limitation is the gradual appearance of wrinkles above and below the injection points of the crow’s feet. To understand this problem, you have to understand that the orbicular muscle of the eye, which is responsible for the crow’s feet, has the shape of a pair of round glasses from one to three centimetres in diameter. Meaning that if you repeatedly paralyse a limited section of this muscle, new wrinkles will gradually appear above and below the paralysed area.

When this happens, it is time to start thinking about a different method of correction, and specifically how surgery can help.

25 years ago, botulinum toxin was originally used to correct squinting, blocking the muscle controlling the eyes, and for the past 10 years, it has been used in the field of aesthetics. It has not been known to cause any serious problems.

As an expert witness to the court, I can say that the very few cases of complications that have been recorded around the world have been due more to the incorrect use of the product, rather than the product itself.

In fact, I would like to bring to the attention of everyone a dangerous practice that has originated in England, known as a “botox party”. This involves group sessions of botox injections, often performed in private houses by someone who is not professionally qualified.

Legally speaking, only a doctor can take responsibility for injecting any product, and nurses are also allowed to perform this under the responsibility of a doctor. People must understand that the problem does not lie in taking a syringe, perforating the skin and pushing the plunger, but rather with the product that is inside the syringe.

Any product with a pharmacological effect can, even though only on rare occasions, produce side effects and complications that only a doctor is qualified to treat. It is not worth taking the risk of trusting someone who has not undergone thorough medical training. Even though only one patient out of a million might have problems, it can happen to anyone.

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Carrera academica:

El Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht, es un Doctor en Cirugia Especialisando en Cirugía Plástica y Estética, está registrado en el Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de la provincia de Málaga con el nº: 2929/07945. Además realiza peritaciones judiciales como experto en Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética.

El Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht llevó a cabo su educación en la Facultad de Medicina de las Universidades Louis Pasteur en Strasbourg, Montpellier I,  y en España completó sus estudios en el Departamento de Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Salamanca.

El Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht ha dedicado una especial atención en su formación a la Rinoplastia (cirugía nasal) que llevó a cabo en Guadalajara, México, junto al Profesor Armando Gonzalez.

Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht consiguio el titulo Posgrado “Laser y Cirugía Plástica” del Departamento de especialidades de la Facultad de Medicina RENE DESCARTES de la Universidad de París V.

Tras acabar sus estudios de formación especializada en “Cirugía Avanzada” por el Departamento de Cirugía de la Universidad de Salamanca (España), Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht publicó el resultado de sus años de investigación sobre “Los Laser en Cirugía Cutánea, Dermatológica y Plástica-Estética”.

Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht terminó su “Doctorado en Cirugía”, Cum Laude, por la Universidad de Salamanca lo que le capacita a impartir clases y a dirigir y supervisar programas médicos de investigación .


Publicaciones Cientificas:

Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht ha publicado también su trabajo sobre la relacion entre el envejecimiento y el sistema inmunitario en publicaciones científicas francesas e internacionales:


Trans-Inferior Orbital Rim Anchorage and Fascia Roll Multi-Loop Temporal

 Anchorage in Midface Rejuvenation

 Aesthetic Surgery Journal  2006.  Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht



Alloplastic Malar Implants for Aesthtetic Purposes in zone 1. The transconjunctival route.Carnet de resumé. SOFCPRE 2002.  Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

“Closed Blepharoplasty, the U suture before incision” Carnet de resumé. Congress of the SOFCPRE , the French Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: . 2002.Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

Comparative use of Lasers in Cutaneous Therapy and Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, These. Doc. Univ., Salamanca. 2001. Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

Gliadin Films. I : Preparation in vitro evaluation as a carrier for controlled drug release. Pier (pierjean) Albrecht. Internationnal Journal of Pharmaceutics. 117 – 121 .1995. Elsevier.

Pierjean Albrecht - Gliadin films - Internationnal Journal of Pharmacuetics

Mise en évidence des propriétés antioxydantes d’un L. M.F. dans des dermocosmétiques . Pier (pierjean) Albrecht. Journal.de Pharm.Clinique. 1995.



Comunicaciones en congresos:

Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht  participo a numerosos cursos y congresos como docente.

Estetica y Reconstruccion de los ojos y de la mirada. Symposium de cirugia Plastica, Birkenwerder- Berlin. 2004, Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

” Blefaroplastia cerrada, la sutura en U pre-incision” Congreso de la SOFCPRE – Sociedad Francesa de Cirugia Plastica, Reparadora y Estetica 2002:Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

Alloplastic Malar Implants for Aesthtetic purposes in zone 1. The transconjunctival route. IMCAS. Paris 2002, Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

Chirurgie Plastique-Esthétique Faciale et laser. Ecole de Chirugie de Guadalajara. 2002 Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

Utilisation des immuncomplexes dans le vieillissement de la peau. Congrès de la Société de Chirurgie Esthétique de Rio De Janeiro, Brésil 1994 Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht

Intérêt du L.M.F en clinique. Salon de Dermatologie Pratique.Paris 1995

Docencia como Profesor Invitado:

Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht fue nombrado Profesor Invitado para la “Cirugia Plastica Estetica facial y con laser” en el programa académico de Especialistas en Otorrinolaringología en el Hospital Civil de Guadalajara en Méjico

Universidad de Salamanca: 


El Prof.Dr. D. Francisco Javier Garcia Criado, Profesor Titular de Cirugía y Secretario del Departamento de Cirugía en la Universidad de Salamanca.



: Que  D.Pierjean Albrecht solicita, en el año 1998, a la Universidad de

Salamanca su matriculacion en los estudios de Doctorado. Que según consta en su

expediente, teniendo en cuenta los certificados academicos expedidos y presentados, los estudios de Medicina realizados por D. Pierjean Albrecht en las Facultades de Medicina Francesas de Estrasburgo y Montpellier 1, durante los años de 1981 a 1988, se corresponden, en nivel académico y equivalencia, a los de Licenciatura de Medicina de las Facultades de Medicina de la Universidad Española tal y como exige, en su disposición adicional, el RD 778/1998.

 Que D. Pierjean Albrecht se matriculó en el Programa del Doctorado “Avances en CIrugia”, desarollado en el Departamento de Cirugía de la Universidad de Salamanca, en el Bienio 1998-2000, siendo Coordinador de dicho programa el Prof.Fransisco Javier Garcia Criado, actuado como su Tutor el Prof. Emiliano Hernandez Galilea y como DIrector de su proyecto de Tesis Doctoral el Prof. AGustin del Cañizo Álvarez. Una vez evaluado el Curriculum Vitae de D. Pierjean Albrecht, donde constan, entre otros, certificados sobre su formacíon clínica en diferentes centros de especialidades quirúrgicas a partir del año 1986, su actividad investigadora reflejada porComunicaciones a Congresos Científicos y publicaciones en revistas científicas de gran prestigio en 1995, y su formacíon complementaria con la asistencia a cursos especializados entre 1994 y 1998 concluimos que D. Pierjean Albrecht ha llegado sin duda a tener una muy alta cualificacíon en el dominio de la Cirugía Plástica y de la investigacíon en el terreno de su especialidad médica.

 Que durante el bienio indicado, D. Pierjean Albrecht, cursó los 32 créditos (320 horas) preceptivos obteniendo como calificaciones 12 sobresalientes, 4 notables y 1 aprobado, demostrando en todo momento un altísimo nivel de conocimientos y práctico tanto en clinica como investigadora.

Que en fecha 1 de septiembre de 2000, D. Pierjean Albrecht, obtiene, por la Universidad de Salamanca, la Suficiencia Investigadora, por su formacíon especializada en esta materia en el Departamento de Cirugía, lo que le cualifica para poder presentar su Tesis Doctoral.

Que en fecha 22 de junio de 2001 presenta, ante el Tribunal Calificador, la Tesis Doctoral titulada: “Los Láser en Cirugia Cutánea, Dermatologia y Cirugia Plástica-Estética. 244 casos” que fue realizada durante un periodo de 3 años comprendidos entre 1998 y 2001 obteniendo la máxima calificación de Sobresaliente “Cum Laude”.

Que en fecha de 25 de junio 2001, D. Pierjean Albrecht obtiene el Titulo de Doctor en Medicina y CIrugía por la Universidad de Salamanca.

 Que toda la documentacion relativa a los hechos expuestos consta en los archivos del Departamento de Cirugia y la Sección de Tercer Ciclo y Doctotrado de la Universidad de Slamanca.

Y para que asi conste y obre los efectos oportunos, a petición del interesado, firmo el presente en Salamanca a nueve de marzo de dos mil nueve.

Pierjean Albrecht: Certificado de la Universidad de Salamanca

Pierjean Albrecht: Certificado Universidad de Salamanca, pagina nº2


Pierjean Albrecht: tesis de Cirugia Plastica Estetica


Para ver otras publicaciones cientificas de Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht, ver tambien :

Pierjean (pier) Albrecht: congreso en Rio de Janeiro

Pierjean (pier) Albrecht en bigsight.org:

Pierjean (pier) Albrecht, co.autor en Journal de Pharmacie Clinic

Pierjean (pier) Albrecht: co – autor en el International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Pierjean Albrecht - Gliadin films - Internationnal Journal of Pharmacuetics

Pierjean (pier) Albrecht, Doctorado Tesis de Cirugia Plastica- Estetica

Pierjean (pier)  Albrecht, Patente Lactoserum multifermentado

Pierjean (pier) Albrecht: Congreso nacional de la SOFCPRE (Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Réparatrice et Ésthétique

Pierjean (pier) Albrecht publicacion en Aesthetic Surgery Journal


Publication generalista

Transform Magazine, Pierjean Albrecht editor


Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pierre Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic


Pier (Pierre) Albrecht: The zone “The hormonal theory”


Glucagon releases glucose from the liver. What stimulates the release of insulin is the blood sugar, and what stimulates the release of glucagon (also from the pancreas) are proteins. 25% of the population does not suffer from this reaction of hyperinsulinism when eating carbohydrates and do not put on weight. This is a genetic factor (see the interesting opinion of Peter J. Adamo in his theory about blood groups and eating habits)


These are the superhormones that control the production of other hormones and form “the molecular cement that holds the human body together”. They also control our vital physiological systems: the cardiovascular system, the immune system, the central nervous system, the reproduction system, etc..

Amongst these are: prostaglandins, prostacyclins and thromboxanes (related to heart disease), leukotrienes (constriction of the lungs and allergies), lipoxins and fatty acid hydroxylase (controls inflammatory reactions and regulated the immune system). The  could be considered as the “ultimate regulators of cellular function”


Good & Bad Eicosanoids

Eicosanoids are controlled by the fat in our diet that is convertedinto essential fatty acids, which, controlled by insulin,will produce bad eicosanoids, and controlled by glucagon,will produce good eicosanoids.

*Good eicosanoids act :

– to inhibit platelet aggregation as vasodilator

– to control cellular proliferation

– to stimulate the immune system as anti-inflammatory

– to reduce the transmission of pain.

*Bad eicosanoids have the opposite action:

– According to Sears, “the well-being of the body is achieved once it starts producing more good eicosanoids than bad ones”

But Sears goes further than a basic definition of well-being or health, as I mentioned above when talking about the great French professor, Claude Bernard, who said: “Health is the silence of the organs”; although it might sound poetic, this rule is very primitive. Nowadays we know that silent organs could be developing lethal tumours in silence up until just a few months before inevitable death. We are searching for optimum health, greatest efficiency of our body and mind, with the prevention of illness and aging. He also says that with the Zone, we can prevent, or at least reduce, the impact of genetic diseases. Sears, therefore, looking at health from a molecular point of view, arrives at the theories of traditional Chinese energetic medicine, that thousands of years ago called “constitution” what nowadays we could call the genetic makeup with which we are born, and called “condition”, what nowadays we could call acquired behaviour, qualities and characteristics.

In other words, the Chinese doctors said that our constitution could be balanced by a healthy way of life, and in this way we could improve our condition. The opposite says that a bad condition could even be passed on to our descendents in the form of an unhealthy constitution. The molecular definition of the Zone is therefore: “a favourable dynamic balance between good and bad eicosanoids.”

How to enter & remain “in the zone ”?

By respecting a strict distribution of carbohydrates, fats and proteins at all times and in each meal, which would be in the following proportion: 40% carbohydrates, 30% fats, 30% proteins. Sears claims that food and exercise are “hormonal modulators”, and that “the main energy source for the muscles is fat and not carbohydrates, and this is achieved through intensive aerobic exercise”.

Why is IT good to be “in the zone ”

I believe, like Barry Sears, also that we should “use food as if it were medicine”. We should control what we eat, and eat in appropriate proportions, as if it were through an intravenous drip.”

The Zone is a diet based on the advanced science of the proportions between foods. It has short term success with some people and it has been proven to be effective in the short term with athletes. Eight gold medals for American swimmers during the Olympic Games of Barcelona are a clear example

What does the Zone Diet promise ?

– The Zone allows you to lose weight, with “ a loss of body fat”.

– The Zone allows you to live with “increased energy, vitality and performance, both in work and at play and in personal relationships..”

– The Zone acts upon arthritis, cardiovascular and mental diseases, the premenstrual syndrome, chronic fatigue, even on infections produced by HIV…. could be the best defence against cancer”.

Why is it not recommended for everyone ?

Many of the recipes proposes contain dairy products, and many people are allergic to these.

It is not natural, it is not healthy in the long term for everyone, it can only be used with a large amount of dietary supplements. And what would happen if tomorrow the supply runs out? Dr Barry Sears has done some very serious research, and with a good motive: to live longer than his father did. But when he comes to using his diet, he proposes a list of industrially manufactured products. Much of the success of the Zone Diet is due to marketing in the US. as its creator, Dr. Barry Sears, has made and marketed his own products. These are energy bars containing chocolate, cereals, dairy products and many chemical components such as artificial flavourings, instant soup that is taken with milk, soy proteins or powdered milk, omega 3 oil in liquid form or in capsules. The Zone might be suitable for athletes and maybe many others, but it cannot be healthy in the long term because, as Dr. Barry Sears himself says “I have worked out and created this diet”, it is a hormone diet, for energy and wellbeing. It would have to be a completely natural diet for the effect to be guaranteed in the long term, for a life-time. As with the Atkins diet, the Zone has an original version and a version that is “adapted” to the Mediterranean diet. How can we have faith in a diet that is linked to a large business enterprise. Barry Sears himself says “The Zone is identified exclusively with the brand Enerzona throughout Europe”. In the second version, or the version adapted for Spain, it would be interesting to study the menu that is proposed for a Spanish woman : she is to have 250 ml of milk, 90 gr of cheese (not very convenient for most people), she has to mix dairy products and fruit or proteins and fruit, which will cause indigestion (see the chapter on natural diet), but above all, she is recommended to add 2.5 gr of Omega-3 RX sold by Barry Sears (no other brand), to have an Enerzona snack bar mid-morning, she can substitute lunch by an Enerzona “instant Meal” milkshake made with a further 250 ml of milk (making 500 ml together with the 250 ml at breakfast).


There is no doubt that The Zone is a successful diet, but it cannot under any circumstance be recommended for everyone, nor can it be advised as a life-time diet. The fact that athletes from the University of Stanford won eight gold medals during the Olympic Games of Barcelona is not scientific evidence. Athletes from other countries also won gold medals without having followed the Zone Diet. And if the Zone Diet had been the determining factor for the success of the Stanford athletes, why has it not continued to be used in subsequent Olympic Games? Why have the same number of medals not been won ?

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Intravenous chelation : therapy to combat artisclerosis and its consequences

Arteriosclerosis and its consequences is one of the most important problems of modern medicine. The diseases related to poor blood circulation obviously begin with all the cardiovascular problems, but also include aging, sexual impotency in men, problems of sight and memory. In general, as I have already pointed out on other occasions, the quality of the blood and blood flow are essential factors for our health. As the years pass by, as a result of unbalanced diets that are too rich in fats, sugars and calcium (dairy products), the arteries harden and lose their permeability, the blood does not flow with the fluidity that it had in youth and, in consequence, the body suffers from a lack of oxygen supply and nutrients, and fails to eliminate toxins, free radicals and heavy metals such as mercury and lead. So we could say “we’re as old as our arteries”. We live in an era in which degenerative diseases are increasing and appear at an ever more early age. These diseases are largely due to arteriosclerosis.

Intravenous chelation consists of a therapy that clears out certain substances that are deposited in the blood, such as heavy metals and calcium, and eliminates them through the urine.

« Intravenous chelation consists of a therapy that clears out certain substances that are deposited in the blood, such as heavy metals and calcium, and eliminates them through the urine. »

It has been used with success for the past 40 years in the United States – the first time was to cleanse the blood of painters who had painted the American warships during the Second World War and were suffering from lead poisoning – and it is also the best prevention possible against diseases like angina, heart attack, phlebitis, etc… It also has a role to play in the treatment of a certain form of sexual impotency caused by the rigidity of the artery walls and their lack of permeability.

This complex treatment forms part of the new branch of Biological Medicine with a new medical approach that takes an overall view of the individual patient.

The treatment consists of the intravenous infusion by means of a fine needle of 500 ml of a solution into which a product called EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra- Acetic Acid) + SULODEXIDE has been introduced.


The EFFECTS of intravenous chelation are :

  • It cleanses the blood of free radicals
  • It eliminates heavy metals such as mercury, lead…
  • It reduces calcium deposits in the arteries and other parts of the body, eliminating them through the urine.
  • It cleanses the blood of free radicals
  • It eliminates heavy metals such as mercury, lead…
  • It reduces calcium deposits in the arteries and other parts of the body, eliminating them through the urine.
  • It prevents the formation of blood clots,thus preventing heart attacks and strokesor other circulatory deficiencies.
  • Reduces and improves internal andexternal varicose veins, thus alleviating obstructions in the lower limbs and improving the sensation of tired legs”.
  • After a heart attack and stroke.
  • Improves circulation to the brain
  • Halts senile dementia
  • Improves the intellect, concentration power, memory, sight, the libido and reflexes.
  • Reduces the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Eliminates many of the toxins that could be the cause of chronic articular pain.
  • Reduces sexual impotency.

Currently, the anti-clotting agent SULODEXIDE is administered together with the EDTA, as it has specifications that are complementary to it :

  • Cerebral, coronary and peripheral arteriosclerosis.
  • It helps to lower the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Vascular complications in diabetes.
  • Thrombo-embolism

It is recommended to alternate this treatment with sessions of ozone therapy, making a total of 15-30 sessions, with two sessions per week. The treatment is safe and there are no risks if it is done correctly. The general condition of the patient must be evaluated and more importantly, to check that there is no condition of kidney failure because the kidneys have to work more to eliminate the calcium and metals from the blood.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Dr. Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – Filling in of fine lines, deep lines and creases

Wrinkles and creases in the skin are very significant during the aging process. With the passing of time, the skin loses its elasticity due to changes in its basic components such as collagen, elastin,hyaluronic acid (the filling substance containing collagen and elastin), and in glicosaminoglicans, that lose quantity and quality, etc… but at the same time the percentage of moisture is considerably reduced, meaning dehydration. These changes are both hereditary and genetic – what is known as “constitution” in Chinese medicine – and

the hygiene of life such as exposure to the sun, to the cold, to the wind, and the consumption of products like sugar, fats, cigarettes, alcohol and spices  – known as the “condition” in Chinese medicine.

The dermis becomes thinner, less elastic, it separates slightly from the hypodermis, and when you smile or grimace, instead of moving to follow the movement of the underlying layers, it forms creases. The repetition of these expressions causes the dermis to break up along the creases, forming wrinkles that, at first, are fine and gradually become

more pronounced.

Also, the deepest layer of the skin, the hypodermis, which is mainly composed of fat, undergoes change, and in the majority of cases is reduced, but sometimes increases. In all cases, the fat changes position on the face due to the lack of support from the skin that has lost its elasticity. And of course, this change is a downward movement as in the case of the upper cheek, just below the eyes. Babies have practically no lower eyelid as the cheek only sags after some years have passed, pulling the skin below the eyelashes downward and thus forming the lower eyelid. When it loses its elasti-city, the skin sags, and the underlying fat with it, forming nasogenian grooves and marionette lines.

Aesthetic medicine does remedy this aging process by filling in the wrinkles and creases, restoring part of the skin’s moisture and elasticity. Two different kinds of products are basically used for this purpose :

1) Semi-permanent filling, containing hyaluronic acid in different concentrations, that fills

in the dermis between the collagen and the elastin fibres. The quality and density of this hyaluronic acid can vary according to the make, but are nearly all the same. (RESTYLANE, HYLAFORM, JUVEDERM, HYDRAFILL etc…) There are three different degrees of density, for filling in fine lines up to the deepest lines. With greater density, the hyaluronic acid can be injected into the fine lines but contains more water and dissolves more rapidly. Grade 1 hyaluronic acid, less dense, has a duration of 3 to 5 months, Grade 3, more dense, can last up to a year. RESTYLANE produces a high density hyaluronic acid for correcting volume that can be injected close to the bones and that lasts 18 months.

“ Adverse reactions to hyaluronic acid are very rare. Personally I have never seen any cases, neither amongst my patients or those of any other doctors.”

2) There are also products for permanent filling using polyacrilamide (AQUAMID) that are safe and achieve a very good level of volume correction (lips) and creases (naso-labial furrows, for example). Polyacrilamide is a product that is used in its solid form for manufacturing contact lenses. Consequently we know that it is compatible with the human body. AQUAMID is injected deep into the hypodermis and remains in the area where it is injected. As in the case of any other permanent filler, my attitude towards AQUAMID has been to use it with great care. I started injecting only in the glabellar frown lines (between the eyebrows) for a few years to make sure it would not displace nor creat any adverse side-effects. After two years, I started injecting in the nasogenian grooves two years later

I started using it on the whole face to restore the original volume.

When someone wants to correct their wrinkles and creases, it is important to explain that the best results are achieved by correcting the same aging process.

That is to say, it is possible, but not sufficient, to correct a fine line o a deep wrinkle by filling it in with hyaluronic acid. In reality, this is only the correction of the aging process, the loss of moisture and elasticity from the dermis. To achieve the best and most

durable results, the hyaluronic acid should be injected into the dermis and a polyacrilamide into the hypodermis, to compensate the other aging process which is the loss of fat. In this way we can achieve more natural-looking and longer-lasting results.

The reality about the nasogenian folds :

It is important to mention this subject because an incorrect use of the filler products

can give rise to very unaesthetic results. It is true that aesthetic doctors tend to prescribe injections for their patients because they cannot perform surgery, but the patient should have a good understanding of the aging process in order to be able determine what is the best course for looking younger.

The nasogenian folds are the result of fatty tissue sagging from the upper cheek or malar area, this sagging is halted by the upper lip. Because of this, two grooves appear when you smile and the condition becomes worse if you sleep on your side, because it accentuates the grooves even further, breaking the dermis and creating a wrinkle inside the folds. When a patient asks for these folds to be corrected, he or she should be aware that the doctor is going to inject a product into a place where it is not really needed. That is to say, to fill in a nasogenian fold is to CHANGE the natural appearance of the face. In reality, the physiological correction would be to lift the skin and the fatty tissue upwards and outwards by means of surgery. By doing this, the grooves disappear immediately. What I am saying is that the filling in of nasogenian grooves is a TEMPORARY solution because it is an aesthetically artificial and un-natural solution to the problem of the sagging of the cheeks. This treatment can be carried out successfully, but up to a certain limit. After that we have to resort to surgery, or rather inject the cheeckbone to lift the cheeks out.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Dr. Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – The New abdominoplasty

A Tummy Tuck is a surgical procedure by means of which we can improve the appearance of the abdomen when there is an excess of fat and skin tissue

In the majority of cases, a tummy tuck is performed on adults over the age of 50 who are feel uncomfortable with an excessive amount of skin and have to wear loose-fitting clothes to conceal it. It can also be related to obesity problems. Generally speaking, it involves skin that has lost its elasticity, whether through several pregnancies or after a weightloss diet, and is no longer smooth and taut over the framework and muscles of the body.

There is an evident aesthetic problem and greater inconvenience with regard to clothes.

For many years, abdominoplasty has been described as a technique to eliminate a large amount of excess skin by means of an incision made from hip to hip, passing across the pubis and the navel. Several types of incisions and scar patterns are described, generally in the form of an inverted “M”. The fact of having to cut a large quantity of skin means the surgeon has to relocate the navel, making an opening higher up and stitching at that level.

During the operation it is possible to take the opportunity to stitch the abdominal muscles in cases of slackening of the stomach wall. In general it is not advisable to have a liposuction followed by an abdominoplasty because the risk of the tissue scarring badly or dying (necrosis) is much higher.

The results of a classic tummy tuck are variable. In the majority of cases patients have been very pleased at being able to dress more easily and with the image of having a new body, when clothed. When the clothes come off, then the results are not quite so satisfactory because the scar is very large and visible, which patients are somewhat embarrassed to show.

“ In the field of abdominoplasty, as in any other procedure of aesthetic plastic surgery, my concerns have always been to reduce the pain, the trauma of the anaesthetic, surgery and recuperation time, as well as the visible aspects of having undergone surgery i.e. the scars…”

My point of view

In the field of abdominoplasty, as in any other procedure of aesthetic plastic surgery, my concerns have always been to reduce the pain, the trauma of the anaesthetic, surgery and recuperation time, as well as the visible aspects of having undergone surgery. i.e. the scars… At the same time to increase the patient’s pre- and post-operatory comfort, the naturalness of the results and the discretion of the surgeon’s intervention to be able to enjoy a new life to the full.

For these reasons, I have never been fully in favour of performing a major tummy tuck, and have always tried to achieve satisfactory results with a minitummy tuck, i.e. by making only one incision at the level of the pubis that goes 2 or 3 centimetres beyond the pubic hair, respecting the original navel, or in other words, removing a crescentshaped section that is 4 or 5 cm wide.



Upper Abdominoplasty

But of course, the technique of a minitummy tuck is not enough in cases of an excess of skin, and we have to think of something additional. For this there is a new surgical option that can complement what is known as a lower abdominoplasty, and is called specifically the upper abdominoplasty. The technique, always with the aim of reducing the “visibility” of the operation and increasing the naturalness of the results, consists of lifting the skin above the navel and cutting the excess at the level of the inframammary folds. With incisions of 10 to 15 cm long, it is possible, as with the lower abdominoplasty, to remove 2 more crescents of skin of 4 and even 5 centimetres width.

NEW Abdominoplasty

(Tummy Tuck )

“…Many men ask questions, interested in this technique, particularly after the age of 55 or 60, because they do not have inframammary folds, to hide the scars”…

Many advantages The advantages of this technique are numerous : it is a far less invasive technique than the major tummy tuck, it is not necessary to touch or reposition the navel, the scars are almost invisible because they are hidden by the weight of the breast that always falls a little and covers the fold. The recuperation period is much less and more comfortable, with far less risk of skin necrosis, infections and split stitches. While it is true that this technique cannot be used in cases of extreme obesity, many patients, both men and women, are able to enjoy having a flat tummy – not only with no fat, as would be after a liposuction – but also with smoother skin. Many men ask questions, interested in this technique, particularly after the age of 55 or 60, because they do not have inframammary folds to hide the scars. It is the same as in the case of younger women with small breasts. For these cases, the solution would be to make use of a tattoo. Nowadays it is widely accepted and not considered at all strange to wear a tatoo, which can even be discreet and simple, such as a leafy branch, for example, although some people prefer the idea of a snake tattooed all along the scar. In any case, I would tell anyone who is definite about not wanting a scar in that place, that it is far more attractive than a lot of hanging skin or a scar running from one side of the abdomen to the other. It is simply a matter of mentalizing yourself and having a tattoo applied when you had never before thought of having one.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Longevity, the anti aging trend

Recently there has been much development in the so-called “Scientific Associations for Research into Antiaging”. They advocate bringing together all the knowledge and methods available for delaying the advance of old-age and death. ANTIAGING centres have arrived in Europe.

Over the past two years, Europe has formed part of a widespread and important antiaging movement that brings together various specialities, amongst which are endocrinology, preventive medicine, gynaecology, plastic surgery and aesthetic surgery. This year there have been many more medical conventions about this subject and professional organizations have been set up to guarantee the responsibility of doctors wishing to include this discipline in their practice (the Spanish Association of Antiaging Medicine).

What exactly is Antiaging?

When we say that a clinic is an antiaging centre we mean that its work is aimed at offering a series of advanced techniques of diagnosis that are able to determine the real biological age of each patient, combining these with treatment that determines the way to delay the effects of aging and to optimize the longevity and quality of life.

Through blood and urine analyses, and also samples of saliva and skin and a genetic analysis, we can work out a complete case study of the condition of a patient and at the same time obtain a potential outcome of how he is going to age, maintaining good health. At the same time, we will also find out his risk levels with regard to contracting certain illnesses and we will have some idea of his physical condition.


In recent years, medical science has become extremely interested in the field of ANTIAGING research, trying to increase life expectancy and above all to improve the quality of life itself. The aging process does not affect everyone in the same way. Why is this? you might ask. Basically, there are two different kinds of aging: faster aging (known as pathological pathological aging) and the other kind that is slower (physiological aging).

Throughout the history of humanity and medicine, we have seen how people have searched for the way to conserve their youth as a direct way of prolonging their life. With this in mind, from the Egyptians with the beautiful Nefertiti, who bathed in asses’ milk to keep her skin young, to the Alchemists who tried to find the “elixir of life and the fountain of eternal youth” sadly without success, until the present time, when technology has been able to investigate more deeply into this necessary and interesting field in which it has been possible to discover with certain precision the variables that, directly or indirectly, influence the aging process.

All of this is not directed only towards the aspect of appearance, in which you usually hear that “Youth is Beauty”, but youth is also health, and health is the best quality of life, both present and future.

There is, therefore, a medical record that, apart from showing the functional and biological aspects, also indicates the therapeutic procedures to be followed in order to correct pathological aging and to convert it into physiological aging.

We mentioned before that not everyone ages the same way: you are sure to have seen people who are 60 and look as if they are 80, but there are also people who are 80 and have the “physical and mental appearance” of a 60 year old.


So we do not only refer to the physical aspect or the appearance of people, but also to the functional condition of their organs and systems, or in other words, their HEALTH.

As we grow older, we start developing certain

changes such as:

  • Tissue hypoxia (reduction in the amount of oxygen in the body tissues)
  • Tendency towards the degenerative process of some tissues.
  • Reduction and alteration of the immune system Pathological functioning of some organs and systems.

Increase of toxins in the connective tissue (this is the tissue that binds the body together). All this does not take into account “CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES” that are generally associated with aging, especially pathological aging.

What solutions can be offered?

Once a certain number of parameters are worked out, associated to statistical reports, it is possible to conclusively evaluate the following aspects:

  • The level of “oxidative stress” of the patient, in other words the “suffering” level of the blood cells due to the presence of free radicals. In this case it is recommended to take a series of antioxih dant vitamins together with anti-free radicals.
  • The level of allergy resistance. Depending on the results, it is possible to follow a programme of desensibilization, especially if there are cases of food allergies.
  • The phenomena of chronic skeletal or organic inflammation that appear suddenly. Thanks to a sophisticated piece of equipment that works by using groups of biological waves, it is possible to find a solution to the problem before it worsens and starts to cause irreparable damage.
  • A hormone study related to the state of activity of sexual, growth and gonadotropic hormones etc.. Depending on the case, it is possible to recommend a replacement treatment, in collaboration with an endocrinologist and a gynaecologist.
  • Special attention must be paid to alimentary deficiencies, excesses or errors, recommending a diet that is designed and adapted to each individual.
  • The requirements of each patient with regard to his physical activity must be set out following the advice of specialists in the subject.

To sum up, Antiaging is a new an integrated attitude to health, that is based more on prevention than on cure. In this case, as in all the initiatives related to aging, it very important not to dehumanize the relationship with our environment and everything that surrounds us. We are not simply machines, we should not look only for performance. We should make the most of the scope offered to us by medical science, allowing us to keep our body and soul in increasingly better health, and in that way our environment can benefit from greater human qualities.

Conserving our health is the best way to treat illness.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Dr. Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – The seduction of the female breast

It is a demonstrated fact that a woman’s breasts are one of her most important weapons of seduction. They are undoubtedly one of the most basic elements of femininity.

An attractive bustline does not remain perfect indefinitely, only for around ten years in most cases, then after the first pregnancy it usually gives the impression of being empty and drooping. In cases where the breasts are small and underdeveloped, the need to feel completely feminine, confident and seductive begins to arise towards the end of the teens. The pressure created by advertising that bombards young girls daily with images of supermodels only goes to strengthen the belief that there is a real need to resort to surgery to correct the physical injustice of Mother Nature. With maturity the body goes through the unpleasant changes brought about by the passing of time, a woman’s breasts become her greatest concern when trying to delay the effects of ageing.

DIFFERENT OPTIONS FOR HAVING AN ATTRACTIVE BUSTLINE Breast augmentation is a surgical operation that increases volume by inserting breast implants, thus obtaining beautiful and natural-looking breasts in accordance with the characteristics and the expectations of each patient.

As in any kind of aesthetic operation involving surgery, the first consultation with the plastic surgeon is an essential stage, as at this point a relationship of mutual confidence is formed, in which the patient is provided with complete information and all the details and steps of the operation are explained, along with those for the choice of prosthesis. It is also a stage in which we check that the implants will be tolerated and whether the patient’s health and medical history are suitable for this type of operation.

Once these points have been checked then the choice can be made as to which kind of implant is to be used as there are several types, for example, liquid silicone with a smooth or textured surface, of hydrogel, or anatomical implants of cohesive or semicohesive gel. For inserting these implants, there are several techniques by which to gain access: from the armpit, from under the areola, under the breast and the umbilicus, amongst others, which leaves scars that are practically invisible.


The kind of implant chosen will determine the final result. Anatomical implants are less likely to lose their shape, although they leave a larger scar. It is possible to make use of the edges of the areolas if they are large enough to insert small anatomical implants, and also the fold under the breast to insert larger anatomical implants.

Nowadays the most reliable prostheses are made of silicone soft cohesive gel with a textured surface because they offer the greatest consistency and give a more natural result as regards shape and feel. Within this category there are several different types, which in specific circumstances “reconstruct” the breast, giving it the desired shape. I do not recommend those made of saline solution as they can deflate and do not provide natural shape for the breast. Investigations have proved that women with breast implants do not suffer from cancer or immunological diseases any more than women who do not have them, they can get pregnant and breastfeed their baby in the natural way. It has not been proved that silicone passes to the milk. One problem that can arise is the so-called “capsular contracture”; although fortunately, during the course of my experience, I can say that this only occurs on very rare occasions. Some factors that give rise to a tendency for this hard scarring around the prosthesis: bruising, bacterial contamination, etc, that are treated with oral antibiotic prophylaxis.

At present there are many high-precision techniques to determine the shape and the dimensions of the anatomical implants. In our Clinic our preference is to use local anaesthetic with sedation, although it is possible to use other methods. The operating time varies between one and half and two hours. The operation can take place as outpatient surgery meaning that the patient can leave the clinic on the same day, with a compression bandage, which will be removed the next day. The post-operative followup is carefully monitored in our Clinic.

The results are immediate, during the first 3 or 4 days it is advised to rest; after this period the patient can usually drive a car and return to work. But she must avoid excessive force or lifting heavy weight for the next 15 days. It is evident that this is one of the operations that most contributes to restoring a woman’s self-esteem, helping her to feel more feminine and confident in herself.

In the majority of cases, surgery and breast implants provide a new commodity for women, increasing their confidence in themselves and in their power of seduction.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic